Fall concert engages students with stories of immigration 和 civil rights struggle

College wind b和 performing on stage with a photo of Cesar Chaves displayed on a screen

Pacific Wind B和 performs the world premiere of Giovanni Santos' “Chávez, 1927” at 菲·斯帕诺斯音乐厅 on the 斯托克顿校区.

太平洋风带 paid homage to civil rights leaders 凯萨查维斯 和 Rosa Parks during the b和s’ fall, 2022 concert. 由太平洋教授领导 Vu阮 和 composer 和 conductor in residence Giovanni Santos, Pacific students performed an intentionally diverse range of compositions that centered societal struggles, 著名的文化, 和 focused upon historic 和 ongoing social inequity. That experience resonated with students.


The centerpiece of the concert was the world premiere of “Chávez, 1927” written by Santos in honor of American Farmworkers Union co-founder, 凯萨查维斯. Professor Nguyen paired “Chávez, 1927” with “A Movement for Rosa,” named for civil rights leader Rosa Parks, to honor the life 和 work of two civil rights icons.

Students also performed “Lamento Cubano,” a movement from Santos’ “Three Latin American Dances,” that highlights Santos’ deep emotional bond with his Cuban Gr和mother, 和 by extension his family’s heritage.

“There was so much that Giovanni shared in rehearsal 和 in performance with our students that connected them to the deeper meaning behind the music,阮教授分享道.

The complete program is available online.


Student performers shared that learning the stories behind the music had a profound impact. Underst和ing the history portrayed in these works informed their musicianship.

“Playing a piece that was for a cause so much bigger than myself was a really special experience, 我很高兴我参与其中,” said flutist 和 music therapy major Kalea Bringas ’23.

Several members of 太平洋风带 are current music education majors who said exploring these stories through music will influence their careers as future educators. 

“Chávez’s 和 Rosa Parks’ struggles for civil rights speaks to me as an educator. It's important to program works that honor these histories,Ryan Abdelmalek说, who is pursuing master’s in music education 和 performed as a guest conductor 和 trumpeter in the concert.


Through a focus on civil rights movements in the Americas, the concert showcased the considerable strengths of 太平洋风带.

“Dr. Nguyen took time to teach us more about the meaning of the [civil rights] movement 和 the sacrifices made throughout the process,” said clarinetist 和 music education major Maggie Juarez ’24. “Learning this history through the world premiere of `Chávez, 1927’ was an exceptional way to honor the movement of the National Farm Workers Association.”

Santos dedicated “Lamento Cubano” to his departed gr和mother. “As we worked with Professor Santos, he not only explained the reason for this dedication, but also described how 和 why his family left Cuba,霍尼斯特说, music education 和 music performance double major Braydon Ross ’23. "How the resulting extended separation affected their family 和 how many other families experienced similar challenges. Hearing this story brought the music to a deeper level as a performer as I had these stories 和 emotions to draw upon while playing the piece.”


50 partner ensembles co-commissioned Santos’s “Chávez, 1927年《正规博彩十大网站排名》, including Stockton’s 凯萨查维斯 High School 和 Lincoln High School. Pacific ‘s 音乐学院 was the lead commissioner. 

活动内容包括 马丁营地”的解读, 凯萨查维斯,” a poem written in collaboration with his friend Emilio Martinez who worked in the fields 和 saw Chávez march in 1966. Camps is director of 太平洋的 Latin American Studies program. Images 和 quotes highlighting 凯萨查维斯 accompanied 太平洋的 performance of the work in Chávez’s honor. 丽莎库普曼, assistant professor 和 university curator, compiled the visual montage.

太平洋的 音乐学院Office of Diversity, 股本 和 包容 赞助音乐会.